Monday, November 3, 2008

Roy Seeger Publishes Poetry

Charlotte, NC October 21, 2008—Main Street Rag Publishing Company to release Roy Seeger’s The Boy Whose Hands were Birds, the winner of their 2008 Main Street Rag Poetry Book Contest. The book will be available through Main Street Rag’s online bookstore and through select bookstores nationwide with a suggested cover price of $14. Roy Seeger is a. English Instructor at the University of South Carolina Aiken and the winner of the 2007 Gribble Press Chapbook Contest forThe Garden of Improbable Birds. He received his Masters of Fine Arts in Poetry from Western Michigan University in 2005 and his Masters of Arts in Poetry from Ohio University. He was also co-winner of the 2008 Society for the study of Midwestern Literature’s Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize, a finalist for the 2007 Chicago Poetry Center Juried Reading, and his work has been featured on Verse Daily as well as in numerous poetry journals such as Gulf Coast, The Laurel Review, Versand The Mississippi Review. Bob Hicok, award winning author of This Clumsy Living, says of the collection that, “There is a quiet optimism to these poems, a product of Seeger’s awareness that ‘between the clay/& the syllable that breathes/what we make/alive’ we are, as he points out, ‘little gods.’ Where others see language as limiting, he understands language as that which allows a level of ontological choice...This is an engaging first book.” William Olsen, poetry editor of New Issues Press, says of Seeger’s collection that, “These poems instruct not so much by example as by mishap, jerry-rigged allegory, domestic fluke. The result: a poetry that is itself a credible way to live, uniquely.” Roy Seeger was a Kalamazoo resident for over a decade. He received his Bachelors Degree in English at Western Michigan University, and then returned to receive his Masters of Fine Arts. He is a former poetry editor of the award winning literary journal, Third Coast. The Boy Whose Hands Were Birds is scheduled for release onOctober 20, 2008 through Main Street Rag Publishing Company for $14. For orders contact M. Scott Douglass through or by phone at 704-573-2516. You may contact Roy Seeger for autographed copies, readings, book signings, and workshops at 803-226-0245 or by email at

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