Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lisa Fishman

Lisa Fishman (MFA 1992) now teaches in the undergraduate and MFA Poetry Programs at Columbia College Chicago. Her third book is out: The Happiness Experiment (Ahsahta Press, 2007) and a chapbook: KabbaLoom (Boulder: Wyrd Press, 2007). She is also an editor of Court Green, the faculty-edited journal at Columbia College. "And I help manage the Poetry/Farm project, a work residency program for poets on our organic farm in southern Wisconsin."

Julie Roos

Julie Roos (MA 2007) is now teaching English 10 at Canyon Springs High School and Leadership and Law Preparatory Academy in North Las Vegas, Clark County School District. This past summer she married Christopher Rogers in Indiana, Pennsylvania, home of their undergraduate alma mater.

Patricia Jabbeh Wesley

Patricia Jabbeh Wesley's new book The River is Rising is now available, published by Autumn House Press, 87 1/2 Westwood St., Pittsburgh, PA 15211 (412) 381-4261, It is also available through, ISBN 978-1-932870-18-3.
Currently at work on her memoir of the Liberian civil war, Patricia teaches English, Creative Writing, and African Literature at Penn State University in Altoona, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her family.

Roy Seeger

Roy Seeger (MFA 2005) is a finalist for the Poetry Center of Chicago Juried Reading Award (Winners announced April 28), winner of the Buckbee, A Writer, Inc. Saddness Writing Contest. His poems are forthcoming in Controlled Burn, Blue Mesa Review, Nimrod, Southeast Review, Green Mountain Review, Tampa Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and 32 Poems.

Adam Schuitema

Adam Schuitema's story collection Freshwater Boys will be published in hardcover by Delphinium Books and distributed by HarperCollins. He was recognized as a 2006-07 All-University Scholar for his work on the book.
Adam has also accepted [starting Fall, 2007] a tenure-track position as assistant professor of English at Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tom Martin

Tom Martin (PhD 2007) recently placed a poem in The Wild Goose Poetry Review and a 16-page story in Passages North. The story is excerpted from chapter four of his novel.